For time reasons, the page has not been mobile-optimized.
This box is scrollable.
The nav menu is correctly functional. It contains two links – ‘Home’, and a link to a portfolio gallery, titled ‘Work’.
Notes for the gallery:
The gallery is loosely a masonry grid but is contained in two columns. On desktop, there is a hover effect which produces a blue-colored gradient and the name of the work contained.
Concerning the layout:
1. The layout is pleasant for a desktop because the user can view the images without clicking, than waiting for a thumbnail to load. However, clicking on the image produces detailed information about the piece. While this may be included, I believe it would be better ordered that a hi-res version of the image pop into a ‘lightbox’ instead.
2. There are other options, such as clicking to cause an overlay for the image to show those details, then clicking to return the entry to normal, but I believe the former to be more ‘expected’ in your user, and therefore the superior approach.
Perceived Issues:
On desktop, concerning load: There is an animation effect which loads two rows (thus two images) at a time, which is likely optimized, but, unless preferred for stylistic reasons, may be unnecessary, and could be eliminated if optimization is still not where it needs to be.
On desktop, the gallery is contained in a carousel. On desktop, it is in a masonry grid. It contains a featured image which takes up the left 50% of the grid. On desktop, there is a hover effect which produces a blue-colored gradient and the name of the work contained.
This could use changes and work because the carousel works faster than the load animations, which affects perceived quality. The arrows are black, but should be white because they are hard for the user to see over most images. I believe a better lightbox option, or, better settings should be used.
Further, it should be changed that the image, when tapped, should display the text padded, because currently, it is not displaying fully inside the box. I also believe, unless considered to be artistically relevant or pleasing, is extraneous, or removed – as it seems merely to attempt to emulate what occurs on the desktop version.
Finally, a better site hierarchy might be considered. As of yet, your user ‘lands’ on your ‘About’ page, when I conceive that a stylized yet simple landing page would be appropriate. If decided that you would rather produce something that is simpler, a page which displays your prominent information ‘above the fold’.
You could also consider a page that uses a ‘hero section’, but personally, I believe approaching a site to ‘have a hero section’ is overly limiting.
– Elliott